Monday, December 14, 2009

A little bit here, there, and everywhere.

A few thoughts while I am thinking of them.

  1. Just finished yet another Jennifer Weiner book, In Her Shoes.  As someone with a younger sister and struggling with the challenges of the relationships with someone so much the same and so different, I think it really felt close to home. Nevermind the fact that Weiner is so captivating in her writing.  Her heroines are real, with all of their flaws.  Sometimes they play the stereotypes a bit much (all brains, not as much beauty, or at least not smaller than a size 12), but then again stereotypes come from somewhere. Loved the book.  Satisfied at the ending, though it did seem slightly abrupt - don't endings always - I wish it could have continued on.
  2. Totally looking forward to reading Dirty Girls on Top by Alisa Valdez-Rodriguez. That will keep me busy between classes while I am substitute teaching. 
  3. About 75 pages or so into the Katherine Graham autobiography. What a strange family dynamic the Meyers had! I think there is a lot to be said about decades of difference in society. I am so far a fan of Eugene Meyer's life section plan, where you spend some time exploring, the next section in industry maing it big, and then finalizing your career in public service of some kind. The thought is great. I'm very interested to keep learning about the family. 
  4. Thankfully the library is forgiving overdue fees through December 28.
Home Ec
  1. Remember all the excitement about "at home dry cleaning" products like Dryel? I was thinking about the number of chores that need to be taken care of and dry cleaning is high on the list.  I am curious at how well it works, and for what articles of clothing.  I know I have two coats that need to make it to the dry cleaners, and I've unfortunately developed a desire for nice clothes that require additional cleaning outside of a washer and dryer.
  2. Still trying to figure out why water spills all over by the washer and the sink.  Potential hypothesis:
    1. Laundry and dishwasher running at the same time
    2. Laundry and shower running at the same time
    3. Overloaded washing machine
    4. ?????? Magic ??????
  1. Boyfriend is home this week after eight/nine months in training for the Air Force!
  2. Christmas is less than two weeks away. 
  3. New Years is less than three weeks away! So far I think a plan is in place. Unfortunately it will not be Vegas, but given the current unemployment that would not have happened anyhow.

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