Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Early thoughts on change and growth.

I am incredibly curious how the business of engineering will change as the country and the world are slowly (and probably for the better) climbing out of the recession. I'd imagine that as business as a whole changes, it will be shadowed in the engineering industry. Will it even change?  Risk is risk and there will always be people willing to go far out on the branch and consistently take the big chances.  As for me, I rely a lot on data and the experience of others. My risk aversion is pretty high. I can't take the plunge into the next big thing. It was after reading Made to Stick  by Dan and Chip Heath that I felt better about that idealogy.  If I am recalling the correct book (and I am hoping I am not mixing it up with Good to Great, as I was terribly disappointed with it), it is not what is on the market first that has the greatest success.  The success is born through improvement in process, design, feedback, etc.  It almost gives the rest of us normal people a hope to compete.  Knowing it is cliche, slow and steady wins the race.  I love slow, steady, measured. My personality is very go-go-go, and it is such a strange contrast with my feelings on growth and expansion - in business and personal life. I wonder why that is?

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