Monday, September 14, 2009

Put one foot in front of the other, or, self discovery road trip

I'm trying to determine what I really love in life and what is actually important. The self discovery road is exciting in that I am revealing me to myself, yet terrifying that who I am is not who I was hoping I would be or that others might expect me to be.

Where will my career go? Will I ever get back to being a practicing Catholic, instead of just a believing one? Can I manage to keep in touch with the friends I love and miss? Will my gmail account ever be conquered? What am I good at? What do I like to do? When will I get myself in gear and start volunteering and reading intelligent books?

This is admittedly a pretty selfish point in my life. But if I'm not taking the time to find out what makes me tick, laugh, cry, and get it done, I don't know if I will enjoy the richness in life that is sharing relationships. There is nothing that is getting dropped; more time is being made in my day. I'm multitasking where I can: doing the dishwasher while grilling dinner, folding laundry while watching The West Wing with my roommate, phone calls while on the road (perhaps not the safest idea, but so far I've been fortunate - waiting for a stop light/sign certainly helps!). Certain things cannot be multitasked, and that is where the limited hours in a day competes with a growing and sometimes mis-prioritized to do list. It is also competing against sleep.

One step at a time. I walked the Boston Marathon route for the Jimmy Fund this weekend, and that's the only way to complete it. There is no distance or measurement for life, but I've got to take it, and my search for me, all in stride. I'm looking forward to what I find out about myself along the way.

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