Friday, September 25, 2009

Kate Toomey for Mayor and City Council

My mother is Kate Toomey, a Worcester, Massachusetts City Councilor running for re-election and for Mayor of this great city.

One of the things that has stuck out about our family and the campaign is that our family IS so involved in the campaign. In the beginning, it was because we were without a foundation, and the five of us were what we had to make it work. It also was easier than leaving a 12, 10, and 8 year old trio at home to fend for themselves. Ten years later, after serving three two-year terms on the School Committee, including one as a Vice Chair, and two two-year terms on the City Council, I find myself working hard on my Mom's campaign because I want to and need to - I feel the passion for her candidacy not because of familiarity and mother-daughter love, but because I believe, I think, I KNOW that Kate Toomey is the best candidate for Mayor and to be back on the council.

I've had the fortunate upbringing to watch Kate Toomey in action first hand. Not only is she responsive to the constituency and successful in resolving their concerns, but Mom (and Dad!) gave us invaluable insight into the civic process. I now know that municipal elections and government have a greater effect on my life than do state and national. I now know the importance of making a phone call to have your opinion heard. I now know how the political process works, and how cruel it can be to those with the best of intentions and efforts as others are like peacocks: only in politics for ego, show, and power. I now know how invaluable the faith and actions of volunteers can be to getting the message out. I now know that nothing matters in a campaign except what names are chosen on the ballot on that first Tuesday in November.

Leading up to the election I will be posting why I know that Kate Toomey, with her focus on the future and ten years of full time public service, is the right choice for Worcester Mayor and City Councilor.

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