Monday, October 19, 2009

The top candidate for Mayor of Worcester - Kate Toomey

Kate Toomey's website has been up for a little while now.  It's a great resource for understanding her beliefs and experience.  You should contact her with any questions and if are so inclined can help the cause through PayPal - every penny, quarter, or dollar helps.

I have to laugh that people discount Kate Toomey.  Are you serious?  Do they live under a rock?  This is a two-term city councilor who led a battle to lobby the state for changes resulting in a savings of $16million and 55 teachers' jobs for the city.  Kate Toomey has been an advocate for growing and attracting businesses to the city long before it came a trend  among candidates and necessary based on the budget shortfalls. Kate Toomey has been working to develop new and foster existing partnerships between the city and business and non profit organizations so that the needs of all are met. Kate Toomey has actively sought out ways to improve the quality of life for Worcester's residents, including the student population, and succeeded in selling the city to people who were previously not interested. Kate Toomey is extremely responsive to constituent concerns. Kate Toomey understands that Worcester is going to have to weather a difficult economic storm and isn't making promises that can't be kept. 

Toomey is the best candidate for Worcester Mayor and City Councilor: hard working, dedicated, creative, an excellent listener, honest, enthusiastic, positive, experienced, successful, open minded, and collaborative, among many other traits.

Kate Toomey for Worcester: #1 in your hearts, #3 on your ballot for Mayor, and #4 on your ballot for City Councilor.  On November 3, let's bring leadership to City Hall that will bring Worcester forward.

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